5e Can You Cast Warlock Spells With Regular Spell

Dungeons & Dragons games are full of deep, philosophical and thought-provoking questions. Like: exactly how many times can I set these goblins on fire with my Hellish Rebuke spell during this see? To respond such burning questions you'll need an understanding of spell slots in D&D 5e.

Read on for the lowdown on what y'all need to know about spell slots in D&D 5e: rules, uses, often asked questions, and some not-so-frequent questions!

What are Spell Slots?

Spell slots correspond the number of times a magic wielder can cast spells before they need to remainder and recuperate.

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The more experienced a caster is (AKA the higher their level), the more stamina they have to work these elemental forces. Spell slots are how magical experience is represented in D&D. The more spell slots, the more experienced the caster.

The world of Dungeons & Dragons is one where magic is vibrating just below the surface of reality, waiting to exist brought along… and information technology takes a lot of free energy to manipulate and aqueduct all that raw ability!

How Do Spell Slots Work in 5E?

The basic rules of spell slots and spellcasting are:

  • Spells have different levels
  • To cast a spell, yous use a spell slot of the aforementioned level (or higher)
  • Some spells have more powerful versions that tin can be cast at higher levels, and use a college level spells slot
  • Y'all take a fix number of spell slots per spell level based on your character'south level
  • You lot recover all spell slots after a long rest (unless otherwise noted)
  • Some classes have to "prepare" spells in advance

The Players Handbook has an excellent example of how spell slots are used.

When a character casts a spell, he or she expends a slot of that spell's level or higher, effectively "filling" a slot with the spell. You can retrieve of a spell slot as a groove of a certain size – small for a 1st level slot, larger for a spell of higher level. A 1st level spell fits into a slot of any size, but a 9th level spell fits only a 9th level slot.

Page 201, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

One form whose spell slots don't piece of work this way is the Warlock. We'll get into the differences for Warlock spells lots in more detail equally we go.

How practice yous set up spells?

Clerics, druids, paladins, and wizards need to ready spells before they tin use them.

To prepare spells, during a long rest, select the spells from your spell list that you want to utilize. Then your character must spend time studying the spells to prepare them. Information technology's the same amount of time to set spells for all prepared caster classes.

…at least ane minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Folio 58, 66, 84, 114 Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook fifth edition.

How many spells tin can you gear up?

You may know a huge list of spells, but you lot can but ready a selection of them to use.

The number of spells you can prepare = your level + spellcasting power modifier

The spells you prepare need to exist of a level for which you lot have spell slots. Otherwise, you tin can't cast them!

You can keep track of which spells you have prepared past filling in the little 'Prepared' dot next to each spell on the spells page of your character sheet.

Prepared spell dot on dnd 5e character sheet
Prepared spell dot on dnd 5e character sheet

How do yous change your prepared spells?

You can alter your list of prepared spells when y'all finish a long rest.

Spell slots by class

Each caster grade has a slightly different relationship with magic, so their numbers of spell slots differ as well. In your class description is a table that tells you lot how many spell slots of each level you have per character level.

Beneath we'll look at each class, if their use of spell slots differs from the norm, and bear witness you their spell slot tables.


Bards follow the usual rules of spell slots. They are considered "spontaneous casters" and don't demand to set up their spells. Piece of cake peasy!

Here's the Bard tabular array of spell slots:

Bard spell slots table 5e dnd
Folio 53, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.


The Cleric form uses spell slots as normal with no special considerations. Withal, they must prepare spells earlier casting. A Cleric tin can prepare a number of spells equal to their Wisdom modifier + Cleric level.

Here's the Cleric spell slots table:

cleric spell slots table 5e dnd
Folio 57, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.


Druids spell slots work the same mode as most classes, with the exception of their Natural Recovery characteristic. Details on this will come later. They also demand to prepare their spells daily before casting, and can prep a number of spells equal to Wisdom modifier + Druid level.

Hither's the Druid table of spell slots:

druid spell slots table 5e dnd
Page 65, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

Fighter (Eldritch Knight)

Eldritch Knights are Fighters who have some cabalistic training, and their spell slots work the regular way. And because they know relatively fewer spells than other casters, they don't need to ready them before casting.

Hither'southward the Eldritch Knight spell slot table:

eldritch knight spell slots table 5e dnd
Folio 75, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

Monk (Way of the Four Elements)

The Manner of Four Elements Monk tin can cast a very limited number of spells, only doesn't actually use spell slots at all.

Instead, they use their ki points to utilise abilities that allow they to cast a spell like this one:

Clench of the North Wind (sixth Level Required)

Y'all can spend 3 ki points to cast concord person.

Folio 81, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.


A Paladin uses spells slots similar well-nigh classes without any special circumstances. They do demand to set their spells though, and can prep a number of spells equal to their Charisma modifier + half Paladin level rounded down.

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Here's the Paladin spell slots table:

paladin spell slots table 5e dnd
Folio 83, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.


Spell slots for Rangers piece of work the usual way, with no special recovery options. Rangers know their slightly smaller listing of spells well and don't need to prep their spells ahead of time.

Hither's the Ranger tabular array of spell slots:

ranger spell slots table 5e dnd
Page 90, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

Rogue (Arcane Trickster)

The Cabalistic Trickster is a Rogue that has studied arcane magic like a Wizard, and they use spell slots the usual style. Dissimilar a Wizard, still, they don't demand to prep their spells alee of casting.

Here's the Cabalistic Trickster spell slot tabular array:

arcane trickster spell slots table 5e dnd
Page 98, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.


The Magician uses spell slots much the same as the other classes. Nonetheless, they do have one feature called Font of Magic which can assistance them regain slots at will which we get into after. Because their magic is woven into their very existence, a Wizard knows their spells past heart and don't need to then whatsoever prep work.

Here is the Sorcerer spell slot table:

sorcerer spell slots table 5e dnd
Page 100, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.


Warlocks are gifted the ability to dispense magical forces past a pact with an otherworldly existence. They don't need to set up these spells and are spontaneous spell casters.

To some degree, it's almost like the Warlock borrows magic from their Patron. And this is why spell slots don't work exactly the same for a Warlock as most other pulley classes.

Here are the principal ways that Warlock spell slots differ:

  • All your spell slots are the same level
  • When you lot cast a spell information technology expends a spell slot, just is bandage at the level listed under slot level on your table
    (eastward.g. you lot are 5th level and cast the 1st level spell Thunderwave. You lot apply one of your spell slots, but since they are third level slots the spell is cast as a 3rd level Thunderwave. Spells bandage at college levels have bigger effects.)
  • Yous become all your spell slots back later a short or long rest
  • When you acquire a new spell, it can be of any level equal to or below the spell slot level on your table
  • All your spell slots are recovered afterwards a short or long rest

The Warlock spell table should help explain any lingering confusion:

warlock spell slots table 5e dnd
Folio 106, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook fifth edition.


Wizards operate nether the usual rules for spell slots and must gear up spells. They take a feature that helps them recover spell slots chosen Cabalistic Recovery which nosotros go into item about a bit later.

Since their spell lists are and so robust, Wizards need to program alee for which spells they want to cast in a day by preparing them. They get to prepare a number of spells equal to their Intelligence modifier + Wizard level.

Here'south the Wizard tabular array of spell slots:

wizard spell slots table 5e dnd
Folio 113, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

When Practice I Get My Spell Slots Back?

All casting classes can replenish their spell slots by taking a long rest (downwards time of at least 8 hours).

Nevertheless, a few classes tin get their slots dorsum without sleeping information technology off.


Natural Recovery

Starting at 2d level you can regain some of your magical energy past sitting in arbitration and communing with nature. During a short balance, you choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your Druid level (rounded up) and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. You lot tin't use this characteristic once more until you have finished a long rest.

Page 68, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

Using Natural Recovery, a quaternary level Druid could recoup up to two levels worth of spell slots: either one 2nd level slot or two 1st level.


At level two, Sorcerers get a class characteristic chosen Font of Magic which allows them to accrue and spend "sorcery points" for a variety of effects. Yous get-go with 2 sorcery points and proceeds more than as you level upwardly.

From folio 101 of the Players Handbook, here'southward how many sorcery points yous need to spend to get spell slots of different levels:

Spell Slot Level Sorcery Point Toll
1st 2
2nd 3
third 5
quaternary 6
5th 7
sorcery points to create spell slots dnd 5e


Because of the strange manner their magics have been bestowed upon them, Warlocks work a little differently than all the other casting classes.

Right from the offset Warlocks regain all spell slots after either a long or brusk rest (at least 1 hr). No requirements, just slot recovery galore!


Like to a Druid, a Wizard can use a feature called Cabalistic Recovery to furnish spell slots later a short residual.

The rules around Arcane Recovery are almost identical to Natural Recovery, except that the Wizard does not need to take a long residual before using the characteristic over again. Neato!

How Do I Increment My Number of Spell Slots?

The only mode to increase your number of spells slots is by leveling up.

Good news! You gotta play more games with your friends! Oh noes, more gaming fun for you.

Want to exist prepared for any eventuality and take a selection of backup spells to use, even when your spell slots are used upward? Consider keeping a stash of items like these:

  • Spell scrolls (like a Whorl of Invisibility)
  • Wands, rods, or staves that permit you to cast a spell (like Wand of Fireballs)
  • Items that absorb and store magic (similar Rod of Assimilation)
  • Items that allow y'all to regain spell slots (like Pearl of Power)

Which Class has the Well-nigh Spell Slots 5e?

Each caster class gets a different number of spell slots per pulley level. Run across higher up for the full list of spell slot past level tables for each class.

The classes that become the most spell slots are:

  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard

These are also known as "total casters" because they all start with magic right from level 1.

The classes with the next highest amount of spell slots are those that first get magic at second level; the "one-half caster" classes:

  • Paladin
  • Ranger

The classes with the smallest number of spell slots are those that really just take a sprinkling of magic:

  • Fighter (Eldritch Knight classic)
  • Rogue (Arcane Trickster archetype)

These are sometimes called "3rd casters" because they don't get whatsoever magic until 3rd level.

How Does Casting Spells at Different Levels Work?

Some spells can be cast at higher levels than their base to take different furnishings. When yous practice this, the level you bandage the spell at is the spell slot it eats up. Say you lot power up a level ane spell to cast information technology as a 3rd level spell, you'd use up one 3rd level spell slot (not whatsoever 1st level slots).

A spell will always say in its description whether casting at a higher level is an option. Here'due south a classic case:

Cure Wounds

A beast you impact regains a number of striking points equal to 1d8+ your spellcasting power modifier. This spell has no event on undead or constructs.

At Higher levels:
When you lot bandage this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or college, the healing increases past 1d8 for each slot level in a higher place 1st.

Page 230, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

That'southward right, no more piddly little spells you never apply anymore or excessive bloat of four different spells just for intensities of the same event! 5e casting is rather streamlined in comparing to some older editions.

How Practise Spell Slots Piece of work for Multiclassing?

If you are starting from a class that does not accept any magic casting ability, then multiclassing into a caster ways you merely utilise that class table to determine spell slots. Unproblematic!

Only what if you are a Wizard who wants to have levels in Paladin, for example? Multiclassing more than than one caster course and spell slots get a little squidgy, then let'due south just go directly to the Players Handbook for this one:

You determine your available spell slots by calculation together all your levels in the bard, cleric, druid, wizard, and wizard classes, half your levels (rounded downwardly) in the paladin and ranger classes, and a third of your fighter or rogue levels (rounded down) if you lot have the Eldritch Knight of Arcane Trickster feature. Use this total to determine your spell slots by consulting the Multiclass Spellcaster table.

Page 164, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

Then if yous're a 3rd level in cleric and multiclass with a second level in paladin yous'd become:

3rd level + 1st level = 4th level

You use that level total to discover out how many spell slots yous get.

multiclass spellslot table dnd 5e
Page 165, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

If you lot have more one spellcasting class, this table might give you spell slots of a level that is higher than the spells you know or tin can prepare. You can apply those slots, but only to bandage your lower level spells. If a lower level spell that you lot cast, like burning hands, has an enhanced effect when cast using a college level slot, yous can utilise the enhanced effect, even though you don't have whatever spells od that college level.

Page 164, Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

Also, spell slots for a Spellcasting class (like Wizards) and a Pact Magic grade (Warlocks) are interchangeable.

Which Spells Don't Require Spell Slots?


The dictionary definition of "cantrip" is a magical spell, play tricks, or prank. Peradventure Gygax and crew got a little inspiration from this because in D&D a cantrip is a kind of casual, semi-inconsequential, easy to bandage spell. The furnishings of a cantrip are small, but when used creatively can hinder bad guys or assist the political party in surprising means.

Gameplay-wise, you lot there are a few things to know almost cantrips. They:

  • Can be cast at will
  • Don't need to be prepared
  • Don't use up a spell slot
  • Are spell level 0

The Players Handbook gives u.s. a flavorful description of why cantrips are different from other spells.

Repeated practice has fixed the spell in the caster's mind and infused the caster with the magic needed to produce the effect over and over.

Page 201, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition

So, if a spell is on your list of cantrips have at it! No demand to keep track, just spam Mage Hand to your heart's content.

Door locked from the other side? Get a helping Mage Hand. (HA! Get information technology?) Eating a sloppy sandwich? Don't even recall about getting your hands sticky – Mage Hand FTW!

Classes that get cantrips:

  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard

Ritual Spells

Some spells have a special designation (tag) which means they have the option of being cast without using a spell slot – the ritual tag.

The ritual version of a spell takes 10 minutes longer to cast than normal. It also doesn't expend a spell slot, which means the ritual version of a spell can't be bandage at a higher level.

Page 201-202, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

Even so, casting spells as a ritual is not bachelor to every magic user. Your class must have the Ritual Casting feature.

Classes that take the Ritual Casting characteristic:

  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Wizard

There's also a feat that allows you to bandage a certain number of spells as rituals: Ritual Caster. With this feat, you get a spellbook just for rituals and two spells from a spell list of one of the classes listed in a higher place.

This feat also allows you lot to re-create some written spells into your book to bandage later as rituals, so it's a lot more versatile than it seems at start glance.

Warlock'south Eldritch Invocations

A few of the Eldritch Invocations bachelor to Warlocks will specify that they do not use a spell slot when cast.

For example:

Beast Spoken language

You tin can cast speak with animals at will, without expending a spell slot.

Folio 110, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook


Can I Acquire More than Spells Than My Number of Spell Slots?

Yes, you lot tin can learn more spells than you have spell slots.

The two numbers are independent of one some other. The number of spell slots determines how many times y'all can cast a certain level of spell (east.k. 3 spell slots for level one spells). And the number of spells known is just the total number of the spells in your spellbook.

Can yous utilise two spell slots in ane plow?

Yes, just only in very specific circumstances.

To understand why, commencement permit'due south get into what you lot can practice in one turn of combat.

In combat, you can Motion, Take an Action, and possibly take a Bonus Action and/or Reaction (when specified, not just for funsies). Actions you can take in combat are: Assail, Bandage a Spell, Dash, Dodge, Help, Hide, Ready, Search, and Use an Object. Since you lot just get 1 action per plow, by and large y'all tin can't use up more than one spell slot either.

"What virtually spells cast as a Bonus Activeness?" you may wonder. Wizards has got that bending covered in the Casting Fourth dimension section of the Rules of Magic.

Bonus Action

A spell cast with a bonus action is especially swift. Y'all must utilise a bonus action on your turn to bandage the spell, provided you haven't already taken a bonus action this turn. Yous can't cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

Page 202, DUngeon & Dragons Players Handbook 5th edition.

And cantrips do non apply spell slots. And then, fifty-fifty if you cast a cantrip in improver to a regular spell that doesn't count every bit using two spell slots.

To my knowledge, there is 1 style in the rules as they are written to cast more one spell per plow: the Fighter's Action Surge ability.

Action Surge

Starting at 2nd level, you lot tin can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you take i additional activeness on top of your regular activity and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a brusque or long residue before you can use it once more. Starting at 17th level yous can use it twice before a balance, but only once on the same turn.

Page 72, Dungeon & Dragons Players Handbook fifth Edition.

A Fighter with the Eldritch Knight archetype or a clever Fighter/pulley multiclass could potentially pull off using two spell slots in one turn. Otherwise, you're out of luck.

Tin can you utilize 2 cantrips in a turn?

Yes. The few situations in which y'all could cast two cantrips in one turn are:

  • If you are casting form/Fighter multiclass and use the Action Surge power
  • Yous are take a characteristic that grants a bonus action (like with the Wizard's Quickened Spell metamagic feature)
  • Casting Shillelagh (casting time ane bonus action) and and so one other cantrip with a casting time of 1 action

Conclusion – Spell Slots 5e

With this overview of spell slots in D&D 5e under your chugalug, yous have plenty of a Shocking Grasp on spell slots to go to the fun stuff – electrocuting, bewitching, and setting your foes aglow! So go alee, get lit and boot some undead booty!

And to keep track of how many spell slots you're using, I highly recommend this crawly hand-painted spell tracker gyre on Etsy! Check out my other favorite D&D player accessories here.

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Source: https://mykindofmeeple.com/spell-slots-dnd-5e-rules-how-work-use/

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